Idea Incubator

Learning City – A Social Idea

Democracy means nothing if people are not able to work the democracy for the common good. ~ Chandra Bhushan ~ State of the Commons Democracy is breaking everywhere. The growth of technology and knowledge has propelled us into levels of complexity beyond our ability to understand and manage. This happens at both the individual and societal level. Where we

Blue Ocean Academy

In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.  ~ Baba Dioum ~ Here’s a simple Penguin game app concept we pulled together recently. We wanted to observe if a deeper appreciation of the environment could be developed as a child played, and so strengthen

Discovering Your Defining Strategy

Your last 5 years may have been driven by mission; make sure your next 5 is led by vision. A compelling vision arises not as a dream or aspiration of what can be, but a passion and conviction for what must be. Rather than simply a corporate identity statement that everyone can remember, a true vision contains the following elements: Insight (key truths or compelling revelation

Kindemedia – Sonic Noisic! Discovery Program

Some years ago, Raison started exploring possible new media education programs centered on 21st Century Skills and conceptualised a Kindemedia program to help young children gain fluency in important digital literacies. The key outcomes we were aiming for were to: (i) introduce a powerful experience of media as creative tool and (ii) spark an ongoing interest in creative media output. Our goal to this approach was simply to get